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Publications Archive

In the News

Budget Proposals Could Affect Northern Neck Shelter; WCVE Richmond, February 1, 2017


Federal budget cuts could jeopardize ‘The Haven’; Northern Neck News; February 1, 2017


Deputy Attorney General Bryant helps launch Start by Believing; Rappahannock Record; April 7, 2016


The Haven Shelter & Services Announces New Appointments to Board of DirectorsFor Immediate Release; February 18, 2016


Sexual Assault Awareness starts by believing; Northern Neck News; February 17, 2016

No person deserves to be abused.

Everyone deserves healthy relationships.

“The ‘ALL Are Welcome Here’ image was created by the Pennsylvania Cross-Systems Advocacy Coalition, supported by Grant No. 2007-FW-AX-K009, awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations included in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women."  Visit the NRCDV Access Initiative page for more information.

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